Musician Bob Mould

How I See SF:
Musician Bob Mould

Local legend Bob Mould calls San Francisco home. 找出他在Mission最喜欢的墨西哥卷饼店,以及他不在巡演时常去的地方.

如果你想体验真正的贝博体彩app, 那你就得请教专家了:我们友好的当地人. Knowledgable, passionate, 并且随时准备好要怎么做的建议, see, or eat, 所有类型的贝博体彩app人都是我们正在进行的 "How I See San Francisco" series.

Bob Mould is a prolific musician, perhaps best known as guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter for punk rock band Hüsker Dü. 他制作了许多个人专辑,并与从Foo Fighters到John Cameron Mitchell的所有人合作过. 他还在贝博体彩app的一些音乐节上演出,包括噪音流行音乐节. 



我在贝博体彩app有一个小小的足迹,那里已经是我13年多的大本营了. Up until the pandemic, I did not have a car. 在流感大流行期间,开车去高速公路是一种伟大的救赎. 我大部分时间都是从科罗娜高地(Corona Heights)的家走下山到教堂街(Church Street),然后再回到卡斯特罗街(Castro Street). I love walking this neighborhood.


I first came to San Francisco in 1981, 作为一个没有钱的职业音乐人和朋克小子, 和Jello Biafra住在一起,探索Mission社区. The Mission was the great hang out at the time. It's still great! 罗克西剧院,旧货店和四桶咖啡(我是咖啡迷). La Cumbre has my favorite burrito. 作为一个未出柜的同性恋朋克孩子,我经常去早期的皮革酒吧,比如Eagle.


San Francisco has great live music venues, 从山脚下和瑞典美国音乐厅到伟大的美国音乐厅和教堂. 当教堂在教堂区开业时,我们都很激动,我喜欢那个亲密的场所. I’m excited that Kilowatt is open again. 我还想补充一点,卡斯特罗剧院是一个令人难以置信的文化地标. 我记得我看了《贝博体彩app》出去的时候变了. Everything was recontextualized after that.


Folsom Street Fair in SoMa is incredible, as is Dore Alley. Also Noise Pop, of course, and Sketchfest. I also enjoy Bay to Breakers.

San Francisco prides itself on being a welcoming destination. 作为贝博体彩app同性恋群体的一员,你的经历是怎样的?

1981年,我第一次以未出柜的同性恋朋克身份来到这座城市, 当艾滋病还被称为“同性恋癌症”的时候,我在教会闲逛,去酒吧逛逛。. It left a real impression on me. 经历福尔瑟姆街头集市是一次肯定的经历. Folsom is important to the community. 这是积极的性包容的最好例子. It symbolizes a lot of what I love about SF.

Typical Folsom Street Fair attendees
Typical Folsom Street Fair attendees Credit: Photo via Hoodline


波西亚是我最喜欢的地方之一 Castro. They have great family recipes.


我知道这可能令人惊讶,但我从未去过祖尼. 它有很好的声誉,那绝对是我想去的地方.

Where do you like to view sunrise and sunset?

Sunrise is easy: my place in Corona Heights. Sunset is also simple: Ocean Beach. I also enjoy Outerlands out by the beach.


Get out to the ocean and Golden Gate Park. The uninterrupted green space, 在公园里还有很多好玩的事情要做, make it great to visit. Salesforce Park 在市中心也有一个疯狂的生态保护区吗.


Divisidero Street, 中间有植物,还有像独立报和磨坊这样的凉爽景点. It's full of urban street life. 感觉就像下一个版本的《贝博体彩》,而且咖啡很好喝. 


Always bring layers in summertime. Believe the hype on the 2 p.m fog!

贝博体彩app的Salesforce Park在夜晚灯火辉煌.

Author Brenda Tucker
Brenda Tucker

布伦达·塔克是贝博体彩app旅游艺术营销总监. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, 她开车穿过乡村来到一户人家,没人见她. Brenda enjoys swimming out-of-doors year-round, 受到伦敦金融城令人难以置信的艺术场景的启发, and living in the best place on earth.